F My Personal Dreams by Resti Nuraeni

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Posted by : Unknown Kamis, 29 September 2016

Name                          : Resti Nuraeni

NIM                           : 1631011026
Departement               : Biology Education

Topic                     :My Personal Dreams
Main Ideas           :My dream is to become a successful woman
Suporting Ideas   : 1. I will be successful in education
                                 2. I will be successful in the job
                                 3. I will be successful in relationships
                                 4. I'm going to be successful as a child my parents
                                 5. I will be successful in the world and in the Hereafter

Everyone has dreams. I have dreams for the future just like everyone else. Dreams of the will be successful in educationn, in the job, in relationships, be successful as a child my parents and I will be successful in the world and in the Hereafter. I will do whatever it takes to achieve it. I  want to be a successfull woman. To be a successful woman in education the first thing I have to do is learn to sincerely and apply the knowledge who i get to my life. Beside that I think  i should have a different way to other people, never give up, always optimistic and always focus on the target. I want to achieve. I want to create a new innovation, especially in terms of being a different teacher with other teachers, beside that I wanted to prove that my dream will come true . My dream was passed with the ipk cumclaude and a teacher who the best of the nation and my parents.

After I graduatedfrom college I want to work as a teacher, not the teacher just ordinary but extraordinary teacher. I will be responsible to my work, I also hope to become professional teachers and recognized the nation and the country. I  want to become civil servants who are successful and balanced between the salaries and the job I do. I want to be confidant in my work later. My dream is become a professional teachers  because then my ability has been recognized and I can get certified.

I want to be successful in relationships, both in relationships, friendship, and community. I want to be the one whose presence always be missed and needed. I want to be people who have a high social attitudes because it will make us like crowds. I wanted to be proud of my parents and do not embarrass them. Because they are already struggling to make all the way to all of my dreams. I want to be a successful shaleha women in the world and in the hereafter. because it is the message of my parents. Do not chase the world but hereafter should be prioritized. I want all my dreams come true. And I'll try to make it happen

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